Each plot of land should have adequate access to it. The following discusses roads but see Public Rights for right of way.
The width and design of a road depends on its classification. See the section Section 3 - Roads and Parking (PDF, 246 KB) of the Minimum Property Standards.
The reserve widths shown below are minimums and do not include any out of the ordinary drainage requirements, or side slopes for roads on steep terrain which may be required by local topographic conditions. Road width may be reduced depending on onsite conditions e.g. residential development on steep slopes with a minimum of 14' paved carriageway with a 2' shoulder on each side of the road along with a 2' wide drain. This would result in about 18.5' set aside for road reserve.
Consult with a Physical Planner at the Physical Planning Division for further input.
Roads are classified into four main categories along with the minimum right of way dimensions: